Things I’ve Been Told by Newbies Before That Aren’t A Reality

“I Don’t Want to Look Like A Man”

As a woman, we do not have the same physiology as a male. It is almost impossible for you to look like a man, especially if you have only been training for a few months. Try not to compare someone’s day 1825 in their journey to your 2nd day.

“I Know I Need to Cut Out Carbs but I Can’t”

You don’t have to cut out any foods, this is a method some people use to lower calorie intake but it is not always the answer. If you like carbs, and your favourite food are heavily carbohydrate based it doesn’t matter. Eat what you enjoy and I can guarantee you, you WILL see results still. The most important thing for fat loss is a calorie deficit.

“I’m Doing 100 Sit Ups A Day Because I Want Abs”

Darling, abs are made in the kitchen.

We have all heard this before, but the reality is. You ALREADY have abs, we just have to peel away the layers to reveal them. We do this by adjusting your food consumption and working out. That calorie deficit from above is what will get you the abdominal definition.

“I Don’t Have Time”

There is time, you just have to find it. If it is a priority you WILL make time if you want it. If you want to lose 10kg and feel amazing you will make time. If you want to focus on your mental health you will make appropriate changes to benefit it. There is an abundance of time, and you often don’t need LOTTTSSS of time to achieve your goal.

If you have said any of these or all of these before, it’s okay. I hear them frequently, but I am here to tell you they’re not a reality. You will achieve what you want by having an appropriate plan and structure to reach your goals. This plan should fit into your lifestyle and not feel overwhelming for you.

If you don’t know what that is, you can book a FREE goal setting session with me below.

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