I have to say my fitness journey looks nothing like I thought it would.
Back in 2018 there I was just starting a new job grossly overweight and finding myself with time to do things for me for the first time in as long as I could remember. I wasn’t happy with my weight I was unfit, and I got blood test results which hinted at trouble ahead. So, what to do I wondered, weight loss surgery was not for me (I love food) I don’t judge people who get it, it just isn’t for me, diets seemed complicated and a little confusing (just so many with conflicting messaging) and it didn’t really touch on all the extra time I had. Feeling motivated one Saturday afternoon I found the contact details for the local gyms. One I disregarded immediately my ex-husband was a member and the thought of running into him at spin class just hit wrong. Snap Fitness Rockingham was the only one who responded to my message so off I went to sign up I also signed up for a pt pack, 3 sessions with the pt this was crucial to my success (even though I didn’t know it then ) my three sessions turned into 18 months and while things improved I lost some weight and most certainly got fitter I was I guess you could say I was complacent. My PT left and I went back to aimlessly wandering around the gym once a week when one day Nicola approached me, she told me she could help me, and I knew I needed it so I agreed that was 2019 and to say the rest is history well that would be accurate really.
Over the years I have cried (the first 3 months I don’t think I got through a session without crying) Learned about food and the foods that, as I like to say don’t really like me. I figured out how to fuel my body in a positive way. Came to the realization that consistency is the key. Added group fitness classes into my routine and became more comfortable with myself, (don’t get me wrong there are still days where I don’t feel that great but they are few and far between) Did a fun run and learned with amazement some of the things my body could actually do and lost weight (a lot of it) my mental health journey is the thing that has changed my life the most the relationship between good mental health and exercise cannot be ignored. Could I have done this alone well maybe, but I really doubt that.
So, my advice to anyone would be this.
Get a PT online or in person whatever works best for you (get the PT that works best for you) the right one will become your biggest cheerleader, Shout out to Nic!
Stay consistent it is the key!
Be prepared to change and trust the process.
Stay away from the scales nothing will derail you faster let your clothes and the tape measure tell the story.
Learn moderation in all things!
Enjoy the journey!
Oh, and the weight loss well at this point over 40kgs!
Written by Gail Russell, FnF Client

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